Not Your Usual Conspiracy Theory
After poring over the news of the day today, it suddenly dawned on me: Harriet Miers was never supposed to be a serious nomination to the Supreme Court. Let me explain. George Bush and his people had to have known about Miers checkered past of flipping from Democrat to Republican et cetera, et cetera. This made her nomination questionable at best and led to a full-on attack from his base. The administration also knew that the results of the Grand Jury investgation into the leaking of the Identity of Valerie Plame was due this fall. It was clear that things were going to spill out of that jury room that would be at best embarassing and at worst debilitating for this already limping 1600 Pennsylvania Crew. None of this is a mystery and is clear to anyone paying attention. But wait, this is where it starts to get weird.
E.J. Dionne makes the statment in a November 1 article that in response to the Libby indictment Dubya "...did what he usually does when he's in trouble: He sought to divide the country and set up a bruising ideological fight." This time around though, it was not gay marriage or assisted suicide. No, this time it was the nomination of Judge Alito for the O'Connor position with the Supremes. Wait, you say. That little light in your head that signals bullshit and outrage is starting to flicker...
That's right boys and girls! This administration has perhaps once again shown that it is much sharper than detractors and fans alike seem to think and just as devious as we all fear. The Bush boys have pulled a classic bait and switch. They put up Harriet Miers, knowing that there would be outrage from the right for not nominating a true denizen of the conservative movement, a la Roberts or Scalia. It was a two wave attack: First the noise over Harriet Miers would help to drown out the inevitable findings of the Grand Jury. Then, after it became clear that Miers would simply not do, Bush goes ahead and makes the conservative nomination he wanted all along. And THAT nomination creates the uproar (of which Dionne speaks in his article) from the Left and further drowns fall out from the Libby indictment. Remember folks, this White was planning for more than just Libby to fall under blade...Rove and even Cheney mights have been in for it as well. They needed consecutive distractions while the underlings worked to bail out an administration that is circling the drain. I don't believe things went exactly according to plan, as the remarkable din of the Right's protest movement probably pushed Miers to rescind her nomination earlier than expected. Nonetheless, the distractions must have prevented the news and the people from focusing solely on the CIA leak case.
There had to be a plan, and George Bush's loyal servant Harriet Miers took one for the team.
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