Monday, February 21, 2005

Hunter S. Thompson 1937-2005

The madness that drove the boundless and brutal wit of Hunter S Thompson slipped its bonds and overtook him on Sunday when he made the decision to blow his own brains out. He was fond of closing recent works with the word "Mahalo" a pidgin word for great thanks and blessings. Well, Mahalo HST. Your style and total disrespect for the evils of authority has been an inspiration to me for quite some time now. A voice against the Power is now silenced.

As HST was also fond of saying: "Buy the ticket, take the ride".

It's our turn to get on the train. This generation, and the fate of those to come is fucked unless we do something about it.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Church and State

This country was founded on one among several major concepts: escape from policies based on religious ideology. The fact that we are SERIOUSLY revisiting what happens when religion and policy are mixed, 2 hundred some-odd years down the line, is a testament to how the Bush mentality drives backward thinking in the entire society. It is a sad day when every political candidate must vouch for his or her own religious fervor before successfully running for office. It is becoming clear to me how remarkably fragile most individuals sense of morality and faith must be that they need to be sure their leader can bolster it for them. For them. FOR them. This, of course is consistent with the ever more popular belief amongst the populace that it's Me First and then everyone else, if and only if there is wristband bling associated with the cause. Do things FOR me. Right NOW. This is not an ownership society. This is a take-out society. Serve ME. To hell with serving anyone else in return.
We should not be stroking the People's sense of insufficiency, whether it be moral, political, social or ideological, without expecting them to take part in rendering the current State of this Union. If there are insufficiencies, leaders should encourage people to take part in the solution instead of waiting at home for the result to be delivered via cable. Leadership is being able to divide need from want. We need a new direction. We need leaders that hold up service as something greater than being served.