Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Who on earth taught Bush the word "caliphate"? My handy dandy Oxford dictionary, defines a caliph as "the chief Muslim civil and religious ruler regarded as the successor of Muhammad." Whoa Nelly.

This term is Bush's mot du jour as he begins his autumn juggernaut to save the asses of GOP pols that are up for (re)election. At this stage in the game, one might be able to identify these folks as the ones looking, during those lonely late night hours, at the Jobs section of Craigslist. One can only assume that Bush uses caliphate as some kind of epithet as he spits it out as an undesirable consequence of pulling our troops out of Iraq before it is time. He states that anything less than a total win in the nebulous War on Terror, especially as made manifest in Mesopotamia, is on a par with giving the reins to a form of leader that has not existed since 1924 in what used to be the Ottoman empire. Again, referring to the Oxford, it was Ataturk who abolished the title and role. It would now seem that it is also on George Bush's C.V. that he has the ability to reverse religious dictums at will. Are indulgences next?

Nevermind the obvious historical whoops. To be continued...